Are there restaurants close to the Drake Inn?
Yes! We are located within walking distance to the center of town. There you will find a great selection of restaurants and bars. Please find links to some of our favorites listed below:
Does the Drake Inn Rent Bicycles / Surfboards / Snorkel Gear?
We do not rent any equipment at the Drake Inn. There are several shops on the island that provide excellent service and rental gear. We refer our guests to:
Does the Drake Inn Organize or Reserve Tours?
We do not organize or reserve tours. There are several tour operators on the island that provide wonderful tours to all of the points of interest on or near Isabela. We refer our guests to:
Puerto Villamil is a small town. It is an enjoyable walk along the beach or on the main road from the Drake Inn into town. If you prefer to take a taxi from the Drake Inn into town, the cost should be just a few dollars.
How Much Cash Should I Bring? Can I Use My Credit Card?
While some of the restaurants and rental shops accept credit cards, most vendors prefer cash in USD.
It is advisable to bring enough cash to pay for meals and excursions while visiting Isabela.